Friday, October 3, 2014

{KS} Examining an Action Research Project

Action Research Review

The problem Lowsky addressed in his AR was: the "underwhelming" educational technology integration into classrooms and curriculum. Specifically, his goal was to see technology used as tool to help teach and improve learning.

Lowsky begins his AR by first examining the problem, defining the role of the technology specialist and then describing the community where the technology integration will be taking place. His research is organized into three different cycles. 
Each cycle is divided into section:
  • Introduction 
  • Actions Taken
  • Desired Outcomes
  • Evidence and Analysis
Within each cycle, Lowsky's research and actions are dependent upon 
  1. Communication and discussion with the teacher regarding the class session and learning topic.
  2. Research to find out what would work best for that class session and learning topic
  3. Implementation with the teacher of the research to integrate technology as a tool to improve teaching and learning.
Lowsky's questions guiding his research and subsequent actions were: 
  • How can I leverage my continual self-improvement in educational technology integration to support teachers with technology-in-the-curriculum integration goals? 
  • What methods can I develop to maximize educational technology integration?
Overall I found Lowsky's AR to be organized in a manner that was easy to follow and read. Much of that however, was due to the organization of his site rather than the material itself. Had I been attempting to extricate this information from his AR paper alone, I would have had more difficulty. Perhaps this could be rectified by further subheadings to further guide the reader.

In regards to his structure and categories, they not only make sense, but as a teacher I also understand the necessity of the steps within each cycle and appreciated the overall structure.

Lowsky's AR is important in the education arena though I felt that it was very specific to his own desired skill set, site and circumstances. That being said, it did address his research questions which made sense given his work environment and job.

Ultimately, I found Lowsky's AR to be an excellent source when looking into the problems surrounding technology integration and the role of the technical specialist. It was clearly well researched and organized well.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

{KS} AR Framing

Framing my research problem...I am still struggling a bit with my AR questions but am beginning to feel better about the direction I am headed. As I tackle more of the Literature Review, I am finding more clarity.

Field of Action: Professional Development and Tech Integration at a K-8 Elementary School
Problem: Teachers are feeling frustrated, anxious and overwhelmed when faced with integrating technology into their curriculum and classroom as a learning tool.
Possible Solution: Provide professional development tailored to the individual needs of the staff using Design Thinking principles.
Library search terms: professional development, design thinking, technology integration, motivation to change, differentiation, professional training, engagement, professional learning communities, technology coordinator,
Outcome: A happier staff and classrooms wherein teachers and students are actively utilizing the technology because they are more comfortable and confident.
Research Questions: (a work in progress) Here are the questions I am attempting to answer as I navigate and explore this new world:

1) What questions arise out of my experience to which I would like to search for answers?
  • how can I support teachers so that they feel more comfortable?
  • how can PD be differentiated to meet the individual needs of the teacher and classroom or grade level?
2) What might be the answers to these questions?
  • differentiation
  • 1:1 support
  • professional goals tied to technology integration

3) What do I think might be the underlying causes of the situation for which I have these questions?
  • lack of time
  • lack of support
  • money
  • did I mention time?
  • the need to do too much in a short period of time
  • not applying what is known about how individuals learn to PD and adults

4) What alternative answer might exist
  • restructure PD
  • restructure the classroom
5) Where do I fit into the situation as defined by the questions?
  • Technology and Curriculum Coordinator and working with administration and staff to support integration into the classroom
6) What opposition will I encounter?
  • time
  • attitudes
  • money
  • support from all parties involved
  • resources
7) Where are the sensitive issues?
  • change. people are scared, intimidated, opposed, etc to change
  • previous experiences have made it so that it is difficult for teachers to 'buy in"
  • time constraints
  • teachers already feel bogged down by their many and various responsibilities 
8) What are the constraints?
  • time 
  • money
9) Who needs to be involved?
  • myself
  • teachers
  • administration
  • IT?
10) Whose support do I enlist?
  • teachers
  • administration
  • computer lab aide
  • ???

Friday, September 26, 2014

{KS} More than ABC & 123

Make a trailer about your learning beliefs.
While I'm not sure if this ended up looking or feeling like a trailer, here are my thoughts.

What I Believe About Learning

On a reflective note, if I were to go about this process again, I would have been more thorough in checking for picture quality and size. My apologies for the blurry images.

Monday, September 22, 2014

{KS} An update to prove I'm still here

I'm behind. Try as I might, I am in the abyss of reading, projecting, working, grading, attempting sleep, and cannot seem to catch up. This is real life. And consequently, the life I agreed to when I signed up for MALT, a program that was clearly very different from the others. One that I am thankful and excited to be a part of everyday.

But I'm behind.

Dewey (who alone one could spend forever and a day processing and mulling over), Smith, action research review, and so on and so forth.

How am I responding?

Quite well actually.


Perspective. Joy in what I am doing (yes, even when reading Dewey).  And I have a fall break next week.

Worth it? Absolutely.

Monday, September 1, 2014

{KS} Topic 4: Action Research Ideas

The world of education is overflowing with research. Research that tells us how individuals learn best. Research that speaks to the importance of differentiation, personalization, applied meaning and realistic goals.

The world of Staff Development (SD) or Professional Development (PD) is overflowing with resources. However the majority of it fails to recognize the above research.

Recently I read Change by Design, by Tim Brown and was struck by the applicability of Design Theory to education, specifically SD and PD.

This year, I am working part time in the classroom teaching 8th grade Language Arts and part time as the Technology Coach/Mentor for my school site and district.

Facilitating PD/SD for a staff that I have worked with for 10 years is something I am excited about but am also being very careful about. Historically our staff, like most school staffs out there, have sat through pretty terrible or seemingly meaningless training. I want to avoid that. I want to identify the needs of the staff and plan PD/SD around those needs. This is where Design Theory comes into play. My Action Research will be to apply Design Theory principals to PD/SD.

In turn, it is my hope that teachers will not only have learned something, but will find themselves excited and feel supported as the PD they experience throughout the course of the year will be differentiated, personalized, meaningful and tied to their attainable goals.

{KS} Topic 3: AR Force Field Analysis

While there are many factors that can be considered forces for change and forces against change, the following Force Field Analysis identifies the major forces on both sides in relation to my Action Research topic. The change desired or proposal is to facilitate teacher training with the outcome: Teachers effective and efficient use of technology in their lesson/curriculum and communication. It is important to recognize the factors on both sides in order to honestly identify what needs to take place in order to achieve the desired outcome.

{KS} Topic 1: The place I spend my days

I work at a K-8 elementary charter school in Northern California. It is a small family friendly school that attracts families from the surrounding communities. The school has been recognized as a California Distinguished School and has always scored well on state testing. The combination of the academic successes and family friendly atmosphere has made it a highly sought after placement. Typically, each grade level has a waiting list of 10+ students hoping for an opening at their grade level. There are two classes per grade level, Kindergarten through 8th grade as well as a Transitional Kindergarten class, totaling approximately 420 students. The staff is comprised of 21 Certificated teachers including Special Ed and P.E., 6 Instructional Aides, school secretary/ administrative assistant and Principal. The nurse, speech pathologist, ELL teacher and psychologist are all employed part time to serve the needs of the site.

The school offers an after school program for homework help and intervention 2 days a week for one hour. The computer lab is open daily before school for student use.
Teachers meet weekly to collaborate with their grade level partner to ensure consistency. PLC teams, grades K-3, 4-5, and 6-8 meet two times per month to collaborate and discuss needs, intervention and enrichment based on student data. This year, the staff will be meeting once a month for staff development focused on 21st Century Skills and technology integration.

As of the end of September 2014, each student, grades 3-8 will be issued an iPad for their use. An iPad cart of 30 iPads will be shared between each grade level, 2-K.  Additionally, there will be 2 Mac laptop labs available for checkout for larger projects that cannot be completed on the iPads. Teachers each have a laptop and are varied in their technology comfort levels. Depending on their level of comfort, some teachers are more game for trying new programs and experimenting with different technologies than others. All, however, are willing to learn and use the hardware and resources provided with training.

Curriculum is primarily all digital grades 6-8 and is becoming more so in the lower grades as well. The school is a project based environment and therefore the technology has been essential for research and creation.  The computer lab and library are utilized 1-2 times a week per classroom teacher for whatever project or lesson they are working on.

For the most part, it is clear that teachers love their job and it spills over into their classrooms, apparent to students, fellow teachers, and parents.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

{KS} Topic 2: Ethical Issues and Human Research Participants

I've been certified.
By the NIH.
In light of the summer MALT classes and readings, I found myself paying attention not only to the content but also the format of the tutorial. It was effective and designed fairly well.  With each new assignment and class, I find myself more and more excited to be a part of this program and look forward to learning.

Let the research begin!

Friday, August 29, 2014

{KS} Core Values-AR Introduction

Who am I? 
What defines me? 
What are my core values? 

These are the questions we ask of ourselves and of others so that we may better understand ourselves and the world around us. The answers often determine the what and why as we live out our lives. 

I have always had a fairly strong sense of who I am and I find that with each passing year, that sense becomes more refined and clear.

So, what is it that makes me tick, that defines who I am, what I do and why I do it?

1. Learning...I love to learn- I have been known to say that "learning is my crack."  While it is not the most refined of statements, it is the best way I know to describe how much I truly enjoy learning something new, being challenged and growing.  I love that in learning I am consistently humbled and aware of how much I don't know. Simple or complex, learning about people, art, history, ideas, practical or not, learning is truly my drug of choice.

2. Community- It's not about me. I am a part of a community, of many communities. Within that framework, I seek to live out a life of honestly, authenticity and genuineness in such a way that serves the community in which I am a part. I try to be aware of those around me, their feelings and motives and put others at ease. We are all living out the human story and it is as much a communal or shared journey as it is an individual. 

3. Faith- Faith in something greater than myself. Faith in a grace that knows no ends and is plentiful. Faith that gives me meaning to this life.  I believe that we all reflect the God image in us and that in the truest way, hope and love are my purpose. I can't control everything and the freedom that comes from knowing that truth allows me to focus on that which is directly in front of me. 

When it is all boiled down, these 3 values are the core of who I am. Everything I am and do relates back to these things.  My worldview, sense of purpose and desires all circle back learning, community and faith.

And at the end of each day, it is what I find myself reflecting upon. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

{KS} Is reality "broken" ?

I've been reading (or rather listening to) Reality is Broken, by Jane McGonigal and pondering her thesis that reality is broken and therefore individuals are desperate for "better engagement." Early on, McGonigal writes:
"The real world just doesn't offer up as easily the carefully designed pleasures, the thrilling challenges and the powerful social bonding afforded by virtual environments. Reality doesn't motivate us as effectively. Reality isn't engineered to maximize our potential. Reality wasn't designed form the bottom up to make us happy."
The question I keep asking myself is ... but is it supposed to? 

She later explains her thoughts:
"The truth is this: in today's society, computer and video games are fulfilling genuine human needs that the real world is currently unable to satisfy. Games are providing rewards that reality is not. They are teaching and inspiring and engaging us in ways that reality is not. They are bringing us together in ways that reality is not."  
I really do think she make a valid point here. But, that has not been my experience with computer and video games which leads me to wonder, am I not drawn to computer and video games because my reality is fulfilling?

The computer and video game component of the last 2 months has been a "fascinating" experience for me. Mostly because I don't love video games and I have probably been too vocal about that sentiment in my posts. But I have valued the experience and it has really caused me to rethink why people play video games. It has also challenged me to think about how games can be used to serve a larger meaningful purpose.

But, if reality is broken, are computer and video games a bandaid or a solution?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

{KS} Games thus far...can I be done yet?

There is some pressure to play games when you are playing for a purpose and that purpose is your Master's degree in Learning Technologies.

I play "video" games in real life.
Solitare, Poker Pals (with my cousin Luke. We are going on 5 years now of phone poker),7 Words and Whirly Word when I can't sleep at night.
I even will play games when I'm watching my friends kids. I am after working to forever be the "cool aunt."

That is pretty much it.

Until I discovered Peggle. And, as I wrote about earlier, I became an addict and basically forgot about real life for a full 2 days.

Until Peggle comes out with another challenge, I should be in the clear.

For CogTools, I've played Halo 4, Monaco, ThirdEyeCrime, another one that I forget because I didn't like it much and deleted it from my phone.

I'd rather read. I'd rather watch a movie.

I know it sounds a little crazy, but I'm ready to be done with the game playing. I absolutely feel like I have learned from the game playing. And I am confident that it has and will make me a better teacher. I have enjoyed learning about game and learning theory but I'm ready to be done playing games.

I keep trying to analyze why this is but I am not quite sure.

Why don't I connect?

I can recognize why people love gaming and the various aspects of applying gaming to learning and education.

So I will take what I have and am learning and seek to apply to my classroom and teaching.

But, I'll probably come home and watch some TV instead of picking up the controller or opening my computer up to World of Warcraft.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

{KS} Studying Trader Joe's...because it's my happy place

Design. It is everywhere. 
We design our life, homes, classrooms, schedules.
Stores, restaurants, parks are designed with purpose.
Here is a look at the design model of Trader Joe's.
Take some time and look around. 
What design models are you surrounded by.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Games and Kids

It's that time of year. Everything is starting back up and I am caught between being in "summer mode" and "real life."  My last 2 weeks have been consumed with helping the parental units pack their up their home and move (though they are in limbo until the new house closes which means my house is happily a partial storage unit), school has started and along with teaching 8th grade I am working in more of a leadership role to the staff than ever before, and... so much reading, blog to update, thinking to be done and so it goes...

Despite the craziness and a long to-do list, I spent an evening watching my friends kids so that they could take some time for themselves. I'm pretty nice that way. Call it procrastination, being a friend, or just stupid, I headed over to their house and the four boys (ages 4-10) had a delightful evening. To be honest it is the most relaxed and entertaining evening I've had in a while. Why, you might ask?

Mario Cart.

Enough said.

But for the sake of it being more than just a fun evening with some of my favorite little people, I thought I'd reflect on the experience in light of gaming and learning I am supposed to be doing.

Recently, I have been playing more video games than I ever have in my life. Some of them have been fun, others simply frustrating.  Most of my recent game playing experience has been conducted with a mindful, analytical approach. The night in question was not such an experience. I simply played. Because they wanted to play. The boys cheered and we all giggle. The youngest did not really play but was so engaged in our racing, it did not matter.

Why so much fun?

We were playing together. In person. Not together on a screen from different locales. We were all caught up in the moment.

4 brothers and me.

Some of the most fun I've had in the last 2 weeks is thanks to Mario Cart.

I improved as the game went on. And the boys were eager to help.

In that moment I was not pondering the words of Gee, Burke or McGonigal. But, as I look back on the evening it is clear that there is truth to Burke's identification of "kindred spirits" and "support from friends".

The truth is that I am not going to come home and play Mario Cart after work. It's not something that appeals to me. But, if friends are playing, old or young. Count me in.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Progressive learning

*Note to reader... forgive the jumping around of ideas and might come together at the promises*

It is a term that comes up multiple times in Gamify, by Brian Burke and one that should be applied in classrooms on a daily basis. It should be applied in all learning environments. The idea of learning in incremental steps is centric to gaming, small steps first, building on those skills over time. I've referred to this concept in previous posts and have been pondering it as I explore various video games. It doesn't seem to matter which game I play. This incremental or progressive learning approach applies to all. Some games have little challenge and therefore the increments are limited, but others are quite complex and therefore the incremental/progressive learning is necessary and layered.

The truth remains that I am not one to sit down and play games on my computer for hours upon hours. It's not that I necessarily do not spend hours in front of my computer or TV. It's just that, for the most part, games don't interest me. There are the few that are the exception or that suck me in (Peggle, Tiny Wings and 7 Words have entertained me plenty). But I rarely come back. It's more of a binge mentality. Until I am sitting in the dentist office waiting for my cleaning appointment. But even then, I'll open up a book app and read, before playing one of the few games on my phone.

Why is this?

In Gamify, Burke states that "gamification does not just mean make a game." It refers to the incremental, progressive game mechanics of gaming. As I stated above, this is an idea that should be present in every learning environment. Burke also goes on to explore when and why gamification is successful. Turns out, it is not always successful, be it poor implementation, lack of buy in, failure to provide "meaningful" and "engaging" experiences.

That got me thinking, if one were to gamify professional development at my school, would I buy in? I looked into this concept of professional development gamification and sure enough there are examples all over the World Wide Web.

I think I'd be there person in the corner, trying to get work that "really matters" done. I'd be that pain in the butt adult.

On the other hand, I can see how the mechanics of gaming are applicable to professional development. Clearly, it has been somewhat successful.

I still don't think I'd respond well.

The only way I think I would buy in is if it was collaborative. Even then...I'm not sure.

I'm still pondering.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Started playing long life.

It is not a joke. I started playing Peggle. 2 days later I stopped. Because I had finished the entire game. Then I thought I had better play Peggle Night. After all, I was suffering from withdrawals. I could have more will power this time around. So I started playing Peggle Night. 2 days later I stopped. Because I had finished the entire game. (For the record, I am a teacher on summer vacation and clearly, I used my time wisely)

I dream Peggle. When I close my eyes I am plotting points and angles to shoot the ball in order to hit the orange pegs. Peggle took over my life for a time. I am not proud of it but I enjoyed every fun and frustrating moment and felt a strong satisfaction when this happened.

The question as to why I was obsessed entertained with Peggle and therefore addicted willing to spending so much time playing a game on my phone. Let me explain how it works.

*     *     *     *    *

Peggle is the perfect balance between challenge and fun. They start you out with a small challenge. Shoot the ball and hit the orange pegs. Once you do that, you win. And so you channel the days of Frogger and Pinball and you blast the pegs. Satisfaction.

Next level, you do more of the same. Only this time, there are obstacles in the way. This process continues and with each level, a new character with a special power is introduced. Their special power enables you to overcome the obstacles. But each level also brings a new obstacle or challenge to overcome. This one harder than last. You may not succeed the first time. But you go back. You will win this time. Sometimes you do. Sometimes it means 8 attempts. Either way, you WILL win. Finally you make it to the ultimate challenge. And you get to choose the strange character with their magical power that you believe will help you win this great contest. You may not succeed the first time. But you go back. You will win this time. Sometimes you do. Sometimes it means 8, 9, 10, 15 attempts. Either way, you WILL win.

Breaks are taken. After all, you are an adult with responsibilities and the dog needs to go outside to take care of business.

But Peggle calls you back. You're sooooooo close. You'll get it. 5 more minutes. Maybe 5 more. Dang. I almost had it. One more time.

And so it goes.

Somehow, you have become so wrapped up in a game that you downloaded earlier that morning just to "check it out" because a Cadremate happened to have mentioned it at the last Hangout. Something that you once had no investment in, you are committed and determined to beat. Well done Peggle. Well done.

Landon and Jon...I blame you.

Oh Peggle (insert smiley face, heart eyes emoticon here).

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Who needs a manual...?

Have you ever seriously thought about the way video games are set up? How they manage to walk the gamer step by step without needing a users manual? How they build on prior knowledge? How video games seem to teach without the gamer really realizing that they are being taught?

Me neither.

Until recently. 

As part of this MALT process (yep, that word again), I have been given the following assignment:
  • Choose a minimum of one game from each category (Single Player, Multi Player, Potty Game), and play it as a way of observing the learning methods and theories that the game uses to teach you how to play.  Each game should be one that is new to you.
  • As you play the game, keep a journal of the reflections and experiences you have.  Publish a written journal of your observations...
Playing Halo provided me with plenty of opportunities to be frustrated and entertained. After all, who doesn't love a good shoot out? However, as I am in the midst of the process, I observed. I thought about those learning methods and theories. I reached into the recesses of my brain, back to my education and credentialing classes. I tried to step back from just being a player and think about what I was actually doing. How I was learning to play a game that was completely new to me. How did I know how to shoot, how to break the necks of weird alien creatures, and where to go?

Keep in mind that while I play plenty of "potty games" on my iPhone, I can't remember the last time I sat down in front of a game console to play a video game. I have had some fairly spectacular moments with friends playing Rock Band and Wii Tennis, but I am fairly certain the original Nintendo system is the last console I sat in front of, on my own, controller in hand.

My observations in the first 2 levels of the game?
  1. The narrative aspect of Halo, and I am assuming most games now, magically explains the game, who the players and characters are and what the objective is. No lecture involved. A story plays out before my eyes and I am sucked in, ready for my mission.
  2. If not part of the story, directions appear on the screen in one sentence.
  3. Prior knowledge is built upon at each level and skills demands are increased as the game progresses.
The learning is progressive. A video game is set up in the same way our lessons in the classroom should be. Building on skill and increasing challenge. In the book Gamify, by Brian Burke, points out that to gamify is to start with "small steps first and build those skills over time." Isn't this exactly what teachers need to be doing?

Why is this important? Because, as it turns out, gaming is an excellent example of learning and instruction.  Inquiry based, skill building, complex growth wherein the gamer is guided, helping the gamer find a path to success.

We can learn a lot as educators about learning and education.

No instruction manual needed.

Go play a game.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Failure IS an option

I am not a person that believes failure is not an option. I've learned to accept that failure is a part of life, a part of learning. It may not be fun or good on the ego, but I fail. As human beings, we fail on a fairly regular basis.

Talking the other day with some cadre mates, I made the comment "Started playing Halo 4. I die. A lot. And often." You see, over the weekend my brother dropped off his X-Box (really, I am doing him a favor. The kid is in Med School and shouldn't be wasting his time on such frivolity) and I started to play Halo. Here's the thing, I am truly terrible. And, playing Halo makes me want to punch someone. I want it to slow down I hate that my hands and brain can't catch up with what is actually happening on the screen. It is safe to say that I am a failure at Halo.

I am okay with being a failure at Halo. Let's be honest, it really doesn't matter. Maybe I wasn't a complete failure. I did actually get better with each resurrected turn. But ultimately I was frustrated, frustrated that I couldn't seem to get past a level. What's the point of dying over and over again?
Somewhere in the midst of my perpetual cycle of death, I began to think about the kids in my classroom. How often have they felt this way in school; feeling like they are stuck in a cycle of educational death? After all, gaming is a way of learning.

I just don't get it.
Why isn't this working?
I hate (fill in the blank with the subject or concept of your choice).
But I studied. 
I practiced.
But I can't fail!
I HAVE to do well on this!

I hear it every year. Kids who feel frustrated. Some of them give up. Some do not.

I am thinking of giving up on Halo. It's not my favorite and as I stated earlier, who cares if I stop playing. It doesn't matter in the grand scheme of life. But am I done with gaming? Nope. There are a lot of games I actually like. I can move on to the next one. Find something I do enjoy.

What about the kids in my classroom? Classrooms everywhere for that matter?

For many of them failure is not an option. Failure is earth shattering.
For many others, the constant failure is the death of learning. It is a constant source of frustration. They do not have the option of simply stopping and playing another game. There are certain things that they have to know. They need to know how to read, write, multiply. Options. There need to be options. Just as I can find another game to enjoy, I am still gaming. As a teacher, I want to provide options to my students. I want to help them work through the frustration and feeling of failure. I want them to understand that failure is an option and it will all be okay. They will learn, get better. And if they need it, we will find another option. Another game. Another way to figure it out.

For the record, I did enjoy creating my avatar.

Friday, July 11, 2014

I Am Ready For This

Thrown together, from all over the country (though California is heavily represented, myself included), 16 people are gathered together, all starting their Masters program in Learning Technologies at Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology. They stay in dorms, hang out all day and it turns out, they actually like one another. During the course of the week they are given the following tasks: imagine a yo-yo in space...does it work, make a portrait poster, build lego robots that can make through a Goonies inspired obstacle course while The Goonies plays in the background, build sandcastles, pretend it's 2 years down the road at a party and you are introducing yourself to a friend and handing them your business card, and chop vegetables. And delicious snacks are there for the taking.

Totally what I expected of my grad school orientation. Yeah, not so much. 

Myself and 16 others are preparing to walk together for the next year. It will be hard work. There is no doubt about it. I have spent this last week observing, laughing, listening, absorbing and questioning. I am thinking about brain and what makes them tick. Why do I like editing video but am not so game for coding (no pun intended)? Is this an opportunity to find my 2.0? What future do I want to create? What are my student's brains doing? How does this experience translate to my classroom? Is the Lego robot challenge going to ever work? 

I am supposed to ask the why and find answers.

Right now, I have no answers.

My brain is full. 

I am ready. 

But...maybe remind me 6 months from now.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I am not a gamer

This has been a constant thought since the days of Nintendo. I am not a gamer.  Day 2 of this grad school thing was spent creating a game...coding. Then, I was informed that the first assignments to be completed involved playing video games. Not just one, but multiple video games. I do not find this to be at all appealing. Further more, each group is responsible for building (I'm good with that) and coding a lego robot.

But wait, I play poker and word games on my phone. Does that make me a gamer? And, how about this, I sort of enjoyed the coding we did today. I mean, I could not do it as a job on daily basis, but I didn't hate it.

So I am left with this: Why is it that "I am not a gamer"?
What is my hesitation and discomfort? Why do I have this "eh" feeling. Why is it that when I think of completing the gaming assignments, my first thought is to find a pet shop game intended for children? What is this tech phobia? Not technology, but technical.

Most games today are story based. I love story.

I spend way to much time watching T.V. What is the difference between gaming and T.V.?

One is passive?

Also, I helped make this today. The Hardest Game Ever. You should play.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

And so it begins...

I started a Master's Program in Learning Technologies (MALT) at Pepperdine. For reals. Today is day 1. Cadre Camp. A time for "adults" to come together, get to know one another and become oriented. Living at Pepperdine is not a bad way spend the week. Sitting in a room with 15 new friends, exciting and slightly intimidating. Going over the program goals and classes...the winning combination of nausea and excitement. I am going to have to work and work hard. And yet, I feel like I can do this. Why?

I am ready for this, not because I feel like I know enough, but because I am ready. I am ready for this adventure. I am indeed feeling overwhelmed and slightly intimidated. So many different backgrounds are represented in this group. But...I feel like I can do this! After the overview today, I can say there are definitely aspects of the program that I am not looking forward to. Gaming. Not my thing. Never really has been, aside from Mario and Luigi and Duckhunt. But...I can do this. I am doing this.