Friday, October 3, 2014

{KS} Examining an Action Research Project

Action Research Review

The problem Lowsky addressed in his AR was: the "underwhelming" educational technology integration into classrooms and curriculum. Specifically, his goal was to see technology used as tool to help teach and improve learning.

Lowsky begins his AR by first examining the problem, defining the role of the technology specialist and then describing the community where the technology integration will be taking place. His research is organized into three different cycles. 
Each cycle is divided into section:
  • Introduction 
  • Actions Taken
  • Desired Outcomes
  • Evidence and Analysis
Within each cycle, Lowsky's research and actions are dependent upon 
  1. Communication and discussion with the teacher regarding the class session and learning topic.
  2. Research to find out what would work best for that class session and learning topic
  3. Implementation with the teacher of the research to integrate technology as a tool to improve teaching and learning.
Lowsky's questions guiding his research and subsequent actions were: 
  • How can I leverage my continual self-improvement in educational technology integration to support teachers with technology-in-the-curriculum integration goals? 
  • What methods can I develop to maximize educational technology integration?
Overall I found Lowsky's AR to be organized in a manner that was easy to follow and read. Much of that however, was due to the organization of his site rather than the material itself. Had I been attempting to extricate this information from his AR paper alone, I would have had more difficulty. Perhaps this could be rectified by further subheadings to further guide the reader.

In regards to his structure and categories, they not only make sense, but as a teacher I also understand the necessity of the steps within each cycle and appreciated the overall structure.

Lowsky's AR is important in the education arena though I felt that it was very specific to his own desired skill set, site and circumstances. That being said, it did address his research questions which made sense given his work environment and job.

Ultimately, I found Lowsky's AR to be an excellent source when looking into the problems surrounding technology integration and the role of the technical specialist. It was clearly well researched and organized well.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

{KS} AR Framing

Framing my research problem...I am still struggling a bit with my AR questions but am beginning to feel better about the direction I am headed. As I tackle more of the Literature Review, I am finding more clarity.

Field of Action: Professional Development and Tech Integration at a K-8 Elementary School
Problem: Teachers are feeling frustrated, anxious and overwhelmed when faced with integrating technology into their curriculum and classroom as a learning tool.
Possible Solution: Provide professional development tailored to the individual needs of the staff using Design Thinking principles.
Library search terms: professional development, design thinking, technology integration, motivation to change, differentiation, professional training, engagement, professional learning communities, technology coordinator,
Outcome: A happier staff and classrooms wherein teachers and students are actively utilizing the technology because they are more comfortable and confident.
Research Questions: (a work in progress) Here are the questions I am attempting to answer as I navigate and explore this new world:

1) What questions arise out of my experience to which I would like to search for answers?
  • how can I support teachers so that they feel more comfortable?
  • how can PD be differentiated to meet the individual needs of the teacher and classroom or grade level?
2) What might be the answers to these questions?
  • differentiation
  • 1:1 support
  • professional goals tied to technology integration

3) What do I think might be the underlying causes of the situation for which I have these questions?
  • lack of time
  • lack of support
  • money
  • did I mention time?
  • the need to do too much in a short period of time
  • not applying what is known about how individuals learn to PD and adults

4) What alternative answer might exist
  • restructure PD
  • restructure the classroom
5) Where do I fit into the situation as defined by the questions?
  • Technology and Curriculum Coordinator and working with administration and staff to support integration into the classroom
6) What opposition will I encounter?
  • time
  • attitudes
  • money
  • support from all parties involved
  • resources
7) Where are the sensitive issues?
  • change. people are scared, intimidated, opposed, etc to change
  • previous experiences have made it so that it is difficult for teachers to 'buy in"
  • time constraints
  • teachers already feel bogged down by their many and various responsibilities 
8) What are the constraints?
  • time 
  • money
9) Who needs to be involved?
  • myself
  • teachers
  • administration
  • IT?
10) Whose support do I enlist?
  • teachers
  • administration
  • computer lab aide
  • ???