Thursday, August 21, 2014

{KS} Games thus far...can I be done yet?

There is some pressure to play games when you are playing for a purpose and that purpose is your Master's degree in Learning Technologies.

I play "video" games in real life.
Solitare, Poker Pals (with my cousin Luke. We are going on 5 years now of phone poker),7 Words and Whirly Word when I can't sleep at night.
I even will play games when I'm watching my friends kids. I am after working to forever be the "cool aunt."

That is pretty much it.

Until I discovered Peggle. And, as I wrote about earlier, I became an addict and basically forgot about real life for a full 2 days.

Until Peggle comes out with another challenge, I should be in the clear.

For CogTools, I've played Halo 4, Monaco, ThirdEyeCrime, another one that I forget because I didn't like it much and deleted it from my phone.

I'd rather read. I'd rather watch a movie.

I know it sounds a little crazy, but I'm ready to be done with the game playing. I absolutely feel like I have learned from the game playing. And I am confident that it has and will make me a better teacher. I have enjoyed learning about game and learning theory but I'm ready to be done playing games.

I keep trying to analyze why this is but I am not quite sure.

Why don't I connect?

I can recognize why people love gaming and the various aspects of applying gaming to learning and education.

So I will take what I have and am learning and seek to apply to my classroom and teaching.

But, I'll probably come home and watch some TV instead of picking up the controller or opening my computer up to World of Warcraft.

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