Friday, July 10, 2015

all good things must come to an end

As the culminating reflection of my time in MALT I will admit quite honestly that I am struggling with, what are the next steps? It always seems to me that at the end of a significant undertaking or journey I find that I feel that there is so much more I need and want to learn. And, that feeling of “What now?” or “I don’t know where to go from here?” permeates my every thought. I find myself currently in a state of continual reflection and thought. Forgive the answers below that lack detail. It seems I am in process.

Part 1: Reflection

How has your view of yourself as a professional changed in the last year?
  • Realizing the myriad of options beyond the classroom or even within the world of traditional education and that there are other avenues in which my skills can be used and/or other possible career trajectories
  • Perhaps most of all is the realization that I am qualified to grasp and accept opportunities that until now I believed to be out of reach.

What is one positive thing that you have learned about yourself in the last year?
  • Many opportunities to solve disputes, calm chaos, and personally determine outcomes were presented to me while working as  lead teacher and vice-principal this past year. I found I am a problem solver and I really enjoy it.

What is one negative thing that the last year has shown you about yourself?
  • As a follow-up to the previous question, I found I little tolerance for ineffective people placed in leadership. Or, more bluntly stated, I seem unable to understand perceived/actual incompetence in a leader which results in everyone under that individual to have no clear direction.

What is your biggest strength as a professional?
  • A strength of mine for which peers and others have often commended me is that I have a fairly broad knowledge base and am able to identify what I need to use from that knowledge base in a given circumstance.  I now see that in myself.
  • I suppose another way of saying it is that I am able to see the big picture and what needs to take place in order to get from point A to point B. Being a fairly pragmatic person, there is an element of perception or discernment in knowing what to focus on and what not to focus on;  when to open my mouth and when to not.

What is your biggest weakness as a professional?
  • Acknowledging that I don’t have tolerance for people who are not competent or who do not accept responsibility by making excuses and or feeling sorry for him/herself which can be perceived as uncaring.

Imagine you are in the perfect job for you, doing exactly what you want to be doing at a very high level.  You go to a professional conference as the keynote speaker.  What does the person introducing you say?

  • That person would be encouraged  to focus on what I want to accomplish rather than what I’ve accomplished. And, that I am doing my part to change the system of education as we currently know it, or to be more succinct, be upheavaling.

What external obstacles  are standing in the way of you becoming that person?
  • Knowing what the next steps are. I feel like I have this idea or interest and I am uncertain in how to move forward.

What internal obstacles are standing in the way of you becoming that person?
  • Honestly, it is the same as the external ones...Perhaps my observed biases should be included but not really having a grasp on knowing the direction of the next steps is somewhat inhibiting. I feel like I have this idea or interest and I am uncertain in how to move forward.

What attitudes and beliefs are holding you back?
  • A lack of confidence believing there are many more competencies still needing to be met   before I am qualified succeed.

Part 2: Planning

What 3 things do you need to learn to achieve your goal?
  • Do others recognize or believer there a void to fill or a need for other words, am I the only who sees the need?
  • Is it sustainable? Is it ongoing?
  • Is it financially prudent?

Describe 3 people that you need to connect with in order to move closer to your goal.
  • Credible people in the field
  • A mentor who sees what I see and has ideas and direction.

Who are the gatekeepers on the path to your goal?
  • Education
  • Money
  • Probably myself...dangit

Who are your biggest supporters?  How can you use their support to help you?
  • Administration
  • Ancillary support services/people I work with
  • Family and faith
It is up to me to inform them of my goals/desires and needs. From there…
  • Using their encouragement to help support me and keep me going
  • Editing papers and assignments to make sure I am not writing or creating jibberish
  • Watch my dog.

What groups should you be a part of?  How do you join them?
  • I think this is still an unknown. I don’t even know what groups are out there.

How should you market yourself as a professional for maximum impact, and who should you market yourself to?
  • LinkedIn
  • Administration or in the teaching of teachers
  • Do I need to look more into the private or corporate sectors

Part 3: Action

In two years, I want to have accomplished the following:
  • Clear Admin credential
  • Depending on one year goals, have made arrangements in the direction that I have chosen.

In one year, I want to have accomplished the following:
  • A decision of whether not to pursue my doctorate
  • Administration in the running of the school or into the education of teachers or classroom or…? Do I want to stay in 8th grade or move to high school? College? Private? Public? Do I want to focus on a specific aspect of education or topic? Do I want to work more around the topic of Design Thinking as a tool in education?

In six months, I want to have accomplished the following:
  • Complete classes for my administrative credential
  • Set up a stronger online website and profile
  • Create a Professional Learning Network to help me further identify my area of focus/goals

By August 1, I want to have accomplished the following:
  • register a domain
  • Identify and search for organization or groups and join them

Before July 7, when this assignment is due, I have completed the following steps:
  • Honestly the biggest thing for me has been reflecting and regrouping. After this last school year, I needed to re-evaluate and give myself some room to breathe. So I am doing just that.

What can you do to help yourself complete these steps?
  • I think setting aside time to seek out opportunities and connections and then take advantage of those opportunities and connections is going to be the most important thing for me.

Monday, March 9, 2015

{KS} Cog Tools: "Why" Journal Reflection

I work at a school. The “why” should be fairly clear but that is not always the case at a school site. It is, however, at my site. The “why” is the kids. NES is all about creating and fostering learning in students. The “why” is (as cheesy as it sounds) tapping the potential and interest in each individual student so that each of those students has the tools, skills and ability, should they choose, to accomplish whatever goal or dream they have and to ultimately be successful in life. It is not just about students passing tests either. The “why” that drives my organization is the person that student will become. We look at the kid as a whole person, one that will one day have a larger role in society and we want to make sure that the student is equipped to handle challenges, is kind and sees beyond just herself/himself.
Our “why” is central to the larger organizations (the District) activity as well. While it can be mired down by politics and funding, I work in a district that truly seeks to support and foster education.

Over the course of this year, my why has evolved. And, with the help of this program and some probing questions from a friend, my “why” is as follows:
Passionate about deepening educator and student knowledge and critical thinking I strive to expand their world and introduce them to the fundamental truth. Through the vehicles of Educational Leadership, Technological 21st Century Skills, Holocaust Education, Writing and Literature my desire is to awaken them to the individual story and their appreciation of their responsibility as an educator and global citizen.
This is what I want to do with my life. It is what makes me tick, what gets me up each morning, and what directs the choices I make.

Over the course of the last 2 months I have experienced quite a bit of change and that has in turn, heightened my need for personal reflection. A couple of weeks ago I spent some time on my computer writing. It was one of those soul searching, “what am I doing?”, “what is my purpose?” kind of moments. I would not say that I am the eternal optimist, but I love the quote “dwell in possibility” by Emily Dickinson. While my moment of intense reflection a couple weeks ago began out of frustration, fear and what felt like extremely overwhelming decisions, it came to an end with a sense of peace and purpose. Somewhere in my rant I was redirected to my “why” and the idea of dwelling in that possibility.

In many ways my “why” is a more specific and detailed version of my institutions “why”. We both exist to foster and deepen learning. And, while I am ready for some change in my daily work life, I am thankful to be a part of an organization and institution that aligns to and supports my own personal “why”.  As I stated earlier, there are times when policy, budget and state mandates, etc. can be frustrating or annoying. But, ultimately, I spend each day doing what I want to do. I get to support teachers and students. I get to learn, challenge and be challenged. It makes me good at my job, pushes me to improve and inspires me to find new opportunities.  It is a job that allows me to live most days in the “possible”.

Friday, October 3, 2014

{KS} Examining an Action Research Project

Action Research Review

The problem Lowsky addressed in his AR was: the "underwhelming" educational technology integration into classrooms and curriculum. Specifically, his goal was to see technology used as tool to help teach and improve learning.

Lowsky begins his AR by first examining the problem, defining the role of the technology specialist and then describing the community where the technology integration will be taking place. His research is organized into three different cycles. 
Each cycle is divided into section:
  • Introduction 
  • Actions Taken
  • Desired Outcomes
  • Evidence and Analysis
Within each cycle, Lowsky's research and actions are dependent upon 
  1. Communication and discussion with the teacher regarding the class session and learning topic.
  2. Research to find out what would work best for that class session and learning topic
  3. Implementation with the teacher of the research to integrate technology as a tool to improve teaching and learning.
Lowsky's questions guiding his research and subsequent actions were: 
  • How can I leverage my continual self-improvement in educational technology integration to support teachers with technology-in-the-curriculum integration goals? 
  • What methods can I develop to maximize educational technology integration?
Overall I found Lowsky's AR to be organized in a manner that was easy to follow and read. Much of that however, was due to the organization of his site rather than the material itself. Had I been attempting to extricate this information from his AR paper alone, I would have had more difficulty. Perhaps this could be rectified by further subheadings to further guide the reader.

In regards to his structure and categories, they not only make sense, but as a teacher I also understand the necessity of the steps within each cycle and appreciated the overall structure.

Lowsky's AR is important in the education arena though I felt that it was very specific to his own desired skill set, site and circumstances. That being said, it did address his research questions which made sense given his work environment and job.

Ultimately, I found Lowsky's AR to be an excellent source when looking into the problems surrounding technology integration and the role of the technical specialist. It was clearly well researched and organized well.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

{KS} AR Framing

Framing my research problem...I am still struggling a bit with my AR questions but am beginning to feel better about the direction I am headed. As I tackle more of the Literature Review, I am finding more clarity.

Field of Action: Professional Development and Tech Integration at a K-8 Elementary School
Problem: Teachers are feeling frustrated, anxious and overwhelmed when faced with integrating technology into their curriculum and classroom as a learning tool.
Possible Solution: Provide professional development tailored to the individual needs of the staff using Design Thinking principles.
Library search terms: professional development, design thinking, technology integration, motivation to change, differentiation, professional training, engagement, professional learning communities, technology coordinator,
Outcome: A happier staff and classrooms wherein teachers and students are actively utilizing the technology because they are more comfortable and confident.
Research Questions: (a work in progress) Here are the questions I am attempting to answer as I navigate and explore this new world:

1) What questions arise out of my experience to which I would like to search for answers?
  • how can I support teachers so that they feel more comfortable?
  • how can PD be differentiated to meet the individual needs of the teacher and classroom or grade level?
2) What might be the answers to these questions?
  • differentiation
  • 1:1 support
  • professional goals tied to technology integration

3) What do I think might be the underlying causes of the situation for which I have these questions?
  • lack of time
  • lack of support
  • money
  • did I mention time?
  • the need to do too much in a short period of time
  • not applying what is known about how individuals learn to PD and adults

4) What alternative answer might exist
  • restructure PD
  • restructure the classroom
5) Where do I fit into the situation as defined by the questions?
  • Technology and Curriculum Coordinator and working with administration and staff to support integration into the classroom
6) What opposition will I encounter?
  • time
  • attitudes
  • money
  • support from all parties involved
  • resources
7) Where are the sensitive issues?
  • change. people are scared, intimidated, opposed, etc to change
  • previous experiences have made it so that it is difficult for teachers to 'buy in"
  • time constraints
  • teachers already feel bogged down by their many and various responsibilities 
8) What are the constraints?
  • time 
  • money
9) Who needs to be involved?
  • myself
  • teachers
  • administration
  • IT?
10) Whose support do I enlist?
  • teachers
  • administration
  • computer lab aide
  • ???

Friday, September 26, 2014

{KS} More than ABC & 123

Make a trailer about your learning beliefs.
While I'm not sure if this ended up looking or feeling like a trailer, here are my thoughts.

What I Believe About Learning

On a reflective note, if I were to go about this process again, I would have been more thorough in checking for picture quality and size. My apologies for the blurry images.

Monday, September 22, 2014

{KS} An update to prove I'm still here

I'm behind. Try as I might, I am in the abyss of reading, projecting, working, grading, attempting sleep, and cannot seem to catch up. This is real life. And consequently, the life I agreed to when I signed up for MALT, a program that was clearly very different from the others. One that I am thankful and excited to be a part of everyday.

But I'm behind.

Dewey (who alone one could spend forever and a day processing and mulling over), Smith, action research review, and so on and so forth.

How am I responding?

Quite well actually.


Perspective. Joy in what I am doing (yes, even when reading Dewey).  And I have a fall break next week.

Worth it? Absolutely.